Pregnancy and Fertility Concerns 

If you have experience or are currently experiencing infertility, we at NeuMind can walk along side of you with this. Infertility is a grieving process, and you deserve to be heard as you navigate this difficult terrain. This can impact relationships, changes to future and dreams, increase depression, and anxiety. Therapy allows you to explore all the feelings that come from this unwanted reality. Let us be there for you.

“Hope itself is like a star—not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.”

— Charles H. Spurgeon

Pregnancies can be wanted, unexpected, difficult, easy, a struggle, a joy. However, you choose to describe it, pregnancy is definitely a change. If you are finding things seem different with your pregnancy and you are increasing in worries or sadness, you may be experiencing peripartum changes. It is helpful to be proactive with these changes prior to birth as this can allow you to prepare for all the other changes that are to come. It also creates a seamless transition of support for you from pre to post birth, and monitor for any postpartum concerns.